Friday 31 August 2012

Visit Primary School on Teacher Day.

I want to Primary School today and the school was full of ex-pupil.
Enjoy some pictures first.

(Left-Right) Thomas Ong, Miss R. Lim and Me. (Miss Lim ask me why i so tall! How i know sia. [My height near Dr Wong la (HOD of Math)]
Got another math teacher very very jelly about my height.

*My Math Teacher give me want. Thank You Miss Lim.

All ex-pupil was called to take a group photo together!! (But i never join)


*Me and my friends also when to our P5 and P6 classroom to have a look.

*The table NOT suitable for both of us because of the height. ><

*Damm funny when i sit now because once i put my leg below and the table start to move.

*This picture above show us the table height.

*SEE this Thomas saw his classmate using the crutches and run forward and take and play. End up get hit by his P6 FT.

*Not for my height too.

*This 3 pictures (Above) is where we play during recess and after school.

*Found inside the school boy's toilet. (Girl's toilet also will have)

ANYWAY saw this in every P6 Classroom tell pupil that 16 more days is PSLE, and also a very important day to every P6 pupil.

Saw a lot of my friends that i have lost contact with them. And also can't remember a lot friends name. (Should be between 2004-2006)
So that all for today. I have enjoy a lot in P.S. :) Got one sad thing is my Best Teacher Mr Adib not around today. :(

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